Here is a collection of resources relating to optics, computation, and scientific research I've found useful over the years and hope you do too:
This is my lab's open source page which contains code related to Computational Imaging. There's also a page on Optics Fun :)
This is R&D Engineer Alfred Millett-Sikking's website, which has a wealth of hardware and software resources related to microscopy.
Jordan Edmunds's Youtube Channel on Electrical Engineering Videos
This is a great resource for anyone studying for their optoelectronics prelims!
How to Speak - Patrick Winston
This is one of the best talks I've seen on how to speak and communicate scientific ideas.
Course: Introduction to Linear Algebra - Gilbert Strang
I've watched these videos twice now and still learning something new...
Course: Intro to Deep Learning
Great lectures for anyone wanting a preview into what all this deep learning buzz is about.
Course: Convex Optimization - Stephen Boyd
Great intro for anyone completely new to optimization like me. Also has a link to the textbook.
The Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams - Randy Pausch
Very inspiration and great to watch again and again
Free Pilot Training Ground Course
Helped me out when I got bored of reading the textbook
Textbooks worth reading:
Building Electro-Optical Systems: Making it all Work by Hobbs
Great reference that teaches you the value of a "photon budget"!
Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy by Lakowicz
Introduction to Fourier Optics by Goodman
High Dimensional Data Analysis with Low Dimensional Models by Wright and Ma
Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms by MacKay
Introductory Applied Quantum and Statistical Mechanics by Hagelstein, Senturia, and Orlando
Signals, Systems, and Inference by Oppenheim and Varghese
You and your research by R.W. Hamming
Effective Communication (What I Learned from Patrick Winston by Holden Lee)
The VSNC framework greatly helped me during writing my Masters thesis.
I'm a big believer in service leadership and being a part of your community. Below are some of the non-profit organizations I like to volunteer with empower women. You can click on them to learn more.